Month: March 2022

The Fools Run the Show in America

Their names are writ in water The last several presidents are but placeholders, whose names are writ in water, forever to be forgotten. Like Augustus Claudius the 3rd, they never did anything for the people. They never did anything worthwhile, merely carrying on the same imbecilities of the past. History will forget them.

A Short Note on the Reaction to the Free ‘Money’ Spewing forth from the Fed

When the Fed came out with the spending bazooka earlier in the pandemic, though it was reckless and destructive to the american people, many cheered. I talked with some of the cheerers about it and everyone of them were for the PPP loans to businesses. I heard the same thing from each of them, which …

A Short Note on the Reaction to the Free ‘Money’ Spewing forth from the Fed Read More »

As America Crumbles, Many Grow Closer To Becoming Barbarians

Sports fans growing more violent As America falls this type of random, sporadic violence will continue to grow worse. Ol’ Remus said, “Stay away from crowds.” Keep those words close to you as this year proceeds. People are becoming chippy, ready to fight at a moments notice, usually over things that are trivial. Like getting …

As America Crumbles, Many Grow Closer To Becoming Barbarians Read More »

A Country’s Oil Consumption = The Size of Their Economy

This is an interesting look at how a country’s oil consumption equates to the size of their economy. As Chris Martensen shows, the correlation is almost 1 to 1. The corollary is that as oil prices increase, consumption is reduced, which reduces the size of the economy. Further, because modern economies are highly over leveraged, …

A Country’s Oil Consumption = The Size of Their Economy Read More »

It is Fascinating What Is Happening in Commodity Markets

Many commodities are at all-time record highs, others are getting close. Whether the price increases abate and we can resume watching tv, or the prices skyrocket out of control and we go to full scale war in the streets is anyone’s guess. But it is fascinating watching the ignorant federal reserve masters lose control over …

It is Fascinating What Is Happening in Commodity Markets Read More »