Another excerpt from one of Friar Anthony’s talks (found here). I find myself getting distracted when I’m praying, thinking of earthly things – what I have to do during the day, sorting out other issues. It happens to probably everyone. What to do? Refocus.
“Prayer, more than anything else, withdraws the mind from earthly business and raises it Heavenward. So when you’re praying and you’re sorting out worldly things – that’s not prayer, you’re doing something easier than praying to God. So you start with God and the next thing you know you’re sorting out the ditch. Then you go back to the prayer, and then you’re in the ditch again, then go back to the prayer.”
“But typically when we pray, especially during the contemplative prayer, there should be a release from all the things of the world and a focus just on God – we’re basically spending time with Him, away from the earth.”
Other duties, like Martha, are apt to be busy about much serving, whereas prayer, clinging with Mary to our Lord’s feet, is bent solely on winning from God His loving mercies.