An Economic Warning From Clive Maund

“Finally, I want to take this opportunity to recommend that you do whatever you can you make sure that you have at least some physical gold and silver in your possession. Very bad times are headed our way and most Americans have no idea what’s coming down the pike. If you have to pay a premium then pay it, because the premiums are only going to get bigger with passing time, and eventually physical metal will be very hard to come by. I particularly like silver for 2 reasons – one is that it is still very undervalued relative to gold, and the other is that you are less likely to be hit over the head or shot when you try to trade it for goods. Silver coins of varied denomination are viewed as ideal. Gold buried in vaults thousands of miles away may sound like a great idea, but when things get really bad, you may not be able to get to it, or it to you. If you have sufficient resources it’s still a good idea, but you still want a quantity of physical in your possession that you can trade, and of course the means and willingness to defend your stash from marauders.”

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